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A Big Byte of Games
Welcome to Bytten Reviews. In 2003 we decided to review indie PC games and we published a new game review each week, give or take, until 2013.

We've stopped reviewing games but you can find our old reviews here and we will still run banner advertisements. We would like to thank every developer who submitted a game or news item, and every visitor who still reads our reviews.

Classic Reviews

Gold Star
New Star Soccer 4, published 26 Dec 2008
I received a lucky break at the age of 15, just after dropping out of high school to fulfil my dream of becoming a world famous professional footballer. Sidney FC offered me a trial contract. The money was a pittance, but at last, a chance to impress at th... Full review...

Silver Star
Qwak, published 19 Dec 2008
Almost 20 years after Qwak egged its first unsuspecting monster, I find myself jumping, jetbooting and thinking through arcade levels filled with keys, levers, fruits and things that go bump in the night.... Full review...

Gold Star
Casebook: Episode I - Kidnapped, published 16 Jan 2009
Morning in the Birchermann household brings a terrible shock. The Birchermann children are gone - vanished in the night - and a ransom note is left behind. Detective Burton is on the case, along with his newest partner - you. While Burton asks the question... Full review...

Bronze Star
Blobyrinth: Maze Island Quest, published 23 Jan 2009
Take one part Sokoban, Pacman and Frogger, add a twist, and you have Blobyrinth: Maze Island Quest. It is not entirely a clone, but a innovative take on Sokoban, where you play as Blobby, out to rescue Soozy from the pirate Madbeard by nudging around block... Full review...

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Keywords: bytten, pc game reviews, indie game reviews, independent gaming.