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Evochron Alliance also provides many unique gameplay qualities. Gameplay is entirely real time, rather than pulling the player out of the game to watch a cut scene of an event they don't control. They are in control of their ship the entire time, including docking, planet descents, and trading. While the player performs these activities, the universe realistically continues to go on around them. Rather than just a static market, inventory availability and pricing also realistically fluctuates based on various economic events and conditions. Players can also perform direct ship-to-ship trades, rather than only being able to trade at stations. Such trades can also be done in either single player or multiplayer.

The Newtonian physics are managed through an automated thruster control system, which can be turned off for unrestricted zero-gravity drifting. Fuel resource management, full freedom of movement (with variable input for every control), and open space jump drives (without trade lanes or warp gates to limit movement) provide unique ways for the player to manage/handle their ship and travel during gameplay. Unlike other games, atmosphere effects (drag, lift, descent burn/glow, maneuvering limitations, etc) and gravity (for planets, moons, black holes, and stars) are also simulated to add to the depth of environment interaction.

Evochron Battle

Gameplay is enhanced visually through the use of full 3D cockpits that are rendered as part of the scene rather than just static/stationary flat 2D HUD's or pictures placed on top of it. The cockpits pitch, bank, and turn in response to weapon impacts and pilot inputs. Gauges/displays are also rendered in 3D and match the motion of the cockpit. The effect provides a unique sense of immersion.

It would be fair to say that StarWraith games is at the top-of-hill among independent developers that have included support for NaturalPoint's Track IR. Describe the process that led to it's inclusion in your two games.
I had heard of TrackIR a long time ago, but wasn't familiar with the technology or how to implement it. The concept appealed to me a great deal since I was an avid space and flight simulator fan. NautralPoint eventually approached me about the possibility of adding support for their technology into my games. I learned more about their TrackIR product and with the help of a talented programmer by the name of Ron Erickson, was able to implement support for their 3D head tracking device for both Arvoch Conflict and Evochron Alliance 2.0. Since both games used the new 3D cockpit system I designed, it was the perfect time to introduce support for the technology.

What feedback have you received from players regarding support for this hardware (Track IR)?
Very positive.

As both a game player as well as an independent developer, how do you see the natural evolution of PC game controls?
One of the fantastic benefits of the PC platform is the diversity of control options. I think demand and usability will impact future control development for the PC the most. TrackIR is a good example of meeting such demand and usability. It provides a solid benefit to players that have wanted such a control system and is easy to use.

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